This is where I pour out my heart to the Lord.
I want to share this place of peace and love with you.
Let's soak in His presence and grow together.
The Spirit and the Bride say "Come!

Thursday, June 9, 2011



Hi Everyone.. How many of you need a breakthrough??!! I know for sure Joe and I do. There have been some changes going on here in our hearts and home. We are taking the kingdom by force. We have not had the energy or desire to do many things, except daily tasks and to work on the new projects we have been feeling led to do.. ..and in many ways we were feeling "hope against hope" in this economy and in other areas... and God has given us a BREAKTHROUGH to press through. Thank you all our friends who have been so wonderful and caring and loving to pray for us and to intercede. We know there is NO WAY we would have the strength without you, and cannot thank you enough. What ever would we do without each other?? 

Business has been so slow, and in many ways we are feeling like we are at the edge of the Red Sea with Pharoah coming after us again, but we know we serve a God who has proven over and over in our lives that He parts the Sea for us, most of the time lately not even in the eleventh hour, but even after.. but what we are realizing more and more is that if the body has not learned to love God in abounding and abasing, now is the time  In the midst of this it has caused us to come together and "fight the good fight of faith". God has good things for us and our place is to not lose faith and to always behold Him as being a Good Father who has our best interest in His heart. We must not walk as my friend says in a mistaken identity of who and what He is during stressful times. On top of this word, we have received two other prophetic words from people we have not heard from in a while, and so we know God is up to something good on our behalf.
I can feel a difference and I think we are beginning to take dominion over some things. We have some new energy too and hope that we did not have before.. even though financially we have not seen the breakthrough.. we are beginning to see it in other areas. We are doing what we can do and leaving the rest to God. We have been trying to clean out the areas in our home which have been taken over with our business.. which seems to be every nook and cranny.. Every time we try to work on this project, it overwhelms us totally. But, the God of Breakthrough has come and Joe has been working diligently to clear out space so we can do this. He is making great strides and even in a short time. Thank you Lord for my husband who perseveres even in difficult times. Thank you for his servant's heart and for loving me. I have been trying to get the energy to put some things for our business online, and I am finding the strength to do some of the work too, of which I am so grateful. I know his singleness of purpose in getting this job accomplished is giving me new backbone to help him in this battle of the garage!! He is a good man and I thank God for him.

We have been watching the Rodney Howard Browne Revival on TV and it has inspired us... We want to have our home ready to have some people over and to share the gospel and to fellowship. It is too crowded with our office in the house. So this project is necessary. When I moved here I moved out of a house that was twice the size and so our garage is full of 1/2 of my old house so it is quite a huge undertaking. So many memories to find homes for, and my youngest son came and put in flooring upstairs for storage and helped clean out a bunch of stuff, a while back..but there is myriads more to deal with!!! We have so many areas to our business that it will take up a large space, but we are determined to get this project done with God's help!! Business is so slow, and we feel we are to do everything we can for success.

I don't think it is by chance that we are being impressed to do this cleaning project at this time. This is the Lenten Season.. and the Passover Season.. a time to examine in our heart that which is good or bad.. to get the leaven out .. for a little leaven spoils the whole loaf as the word says.. During the Passover .. each home is to be carefully searched out for any leaven even little crumbs and they are to be gotten rid of. And just before the Passover, the man of the house searches the home for any crumbs left over and removes them. It is a time of self examination to also remove any leaven in our own hearts that will interfere with our relationship with God... in the natural and in the spirit. So, we are trying to prepare ourselves and our home in anticipation of some "New Things" that God will do. We need to keep each other in prayer for “Breakthrough” for the Lord of the Breakthrough to come in like a flood, and for us to get the leaven out and truly cleanse ourselves and homes and hearts so that the Passover Lamb can truly enter in and be Lord of our lives. I want to be changed, I don’t want to be the same old same old, I want a zest for life and I need to be renewed.

I know that the word says that they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.. they shall rise up with wings as eagles . they shall walk and not faint.. It is easy to faint in these days and times. God showed me something in this verse however, a long time ago, that I have found to be true.. that there are two ways of WAITING.. as we WAIT patiently upon the Lord to move in an instance.. if we will but WAIT (serve) HIM.. God will renew us. So, that is what we are feeling led to do.. To "serve" our Lord Jesus in ways He is leading us.

This will be different for each one of us. We are all called to serve in different ways. Some may visit the sick in hospitals, some may have kind words for those they come in to contact with during their day, others may feed the hungry or babysit for a mother who needs a break... our greatest joy in serving is of course to sit at His feet and have fellowship with Him.. and out of that love relationship, He will tell us how to please Him in serving. I was thinking of all this and I was laying down to sleep and this is what happened.

What I am about to tell you is unusual for me.. I was going to sleep the other night and I heard the words "Pray to the God of the Breakthrough". I was like .. huh??? I never heard of that. I know there are names given to God such as Jehovah Jireh .. our Provider, and many others, but this is new to me.. But, I knew it was God. So, I got up and looked up online God of the Breakthrough and this is what I found:

Lord of the Breakthrough Baal Perazim

Monday, 03 January 2011 12:00 AM EST
So they came up to Baal-perazim; and David smote them there. Then David said, God hath broken in upon mine enemies by mine hand like the breaking forth of waters: therefore they called the name of that place Baal-perazim. —1 Chronicles 14:11
Baal-perazim literally means, "Lord of the breakthrough." Because David sought God's direction first (v. 10), he knew it was God's victory. David acknowledged God as the One who brought about his victory. He said, "I couldn't have done it if God had not gone before me."
There will be many battles to fight this year, but realize that you are not standing alone. The God you serve is the Master of the breakthrough, and the battle is not yours, but His. When you seek God first in the matter, you can be assured of the victory.
The battle belongs to the Lord (1 Samuel 17:47). So, never defend yourself. Let Him be your strong tower, your defense, and your refuge. Why are you trying to fight battles He has already won? Put on His armor and go forth in His Spirit, not your own might and power (Zechariah 4:6).
"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" (James 4:7). Every time you resist temptation, you will see the devil flee from you this year. I believe the greatest temptation we will be dealing with is to not trust God .. so we must determine in our hearts that we will be a grateful people.  We will thank Him for every little crumb, we will let Abba Father know we appreciate Him. We don't want to be sinful unappreciative people.. So let's give God the glory!
Lord, grant me the boldness to resist temptation
at every turn. I know You have given me victory
over the devil. So I praise Your name for
defeating the devil on the cross and
giving me the power through Your
blood to breakthrough sin and
live victoriously. Amen.

This is my prayer for all of you.. It is one I received tonight for a friend.. but I believe it is for many today..
Whatever it is that is your greatest need, I ask that you would come to your children's aid. I speak the word over them that you gave me yesterday... you said very simply in my heart..
"Donna, pray to the Lord of the Breakthrough"...
I pray the Lord of the Breakthrough, Baal Perazim.. our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ will come and breakthough all the areas in your life that are hindering. I pray for BREAKTHROUGH in every area that concerns you. I pray the lord of the breakthrough would break through enemy lines and push back the forces that have kept you back from walking in victory. I pray a breaker anointing upon you.. that everywhere you will go, you will walk in authority and that the love of God in you, will infiltrate and break every stronghold. That your enemies be scattered. I pray the Jewish prayer.. nothing missing, nothing broken in your life.. I pray every broken and wounded place be healed in Jesus name .. in your body, mind and spirit.. In Jesus Name Amen! You are loved in heaven and on earth.

From my heart to yours, Donna Geertz 4/1/11

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