This is where I pour out my heart to the Lord.
I want to share this place of peace and love with you.
Let's soak in His presence and grow together.
The Spirit and the Bride say "Come!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


word written 3/21/11

Finding our place in God's Kingdom in this day and age is becoming more and more important.It is imperative that we know where our place is, and where and how we function.We are all part of one body and each person has a specific assignment. Finding that assignment will cause us to flourish in all areas.
These trying times are difficult on all of us. I heard a message a few weeks back that caused me to rejoice, as I know it is a word that God is impressing on His body today. I am going to share this word in a form I don’t usually do.

The following was an im chat I have permission to share with you. It was with someone I know who is actively seeking the Lord as to her place in life. I do think it is a "now" word that will bless others as well. ...I hope it blesses you as well.

Donna: I have not talked with you, and you have been on my mind.
I have been praying for you.. and in the midst of doing so, heard about a message from a friend and thought so much of you.

Friend: hey Mama! I was just tidying

Donna: Hi sweetie.. I only have a min but have a word for you

Friend: !!!?!? ok! Wow Lately I’ve been thinking I’m so far from God...

Donna: Yes I know, many are feeling that way... the signs of the times

Friend : someone even prayed for me a bit, and i just...felt so far, I was even unsure of my salvation at times.

Donna: well there is a turn coming

Friend: so very true mama, its all around

Donna: I love you dear one... from the depth of my Momma being . hahaahha

Friend: aww thanks mama!!!!

Donna: a turn is coming

Friend: and I love that mama being!.. ha ha ha Is this a word?

Donna: Yes.. I am your mamabeing.. trying to just BE in life...

Here, this is the word.. here it comes!! I heard a message from a woman I know this past week. She is a talented woman with an enormous amount of gifting including prophetic, and she is a strong warrior in the Lord… so pretty, with Indian (like woo woo Indian!) Indian blood in her veins. She had a melt down last week. She was suicidal and everything. One crisis after another had hit her like waves crashing and beating her down.. Sound familiar?
She heard a message that turned her around, and when she told me, I thought of you. In a nutshell, cause I have to go in a short minute… It is about the Seven Mountains God is causing us to see today in regard to our destiny. There are different sectors of influence we can be involved in to effect God’s Kingdom.

Friend: wow kk

Donna: But, it says that there are several mountains today that God is working on in his children. One is the Political Mountain...there are those I call "Patriots" today who are called to speak the truth about what is happening in our world to get people to think about the reality of where our world is going at present... some of them KNOW it is their ministry, others don't even realize it is God's calling on them in this hour. Some are called into that arena, and then some others are called into the arts just for example, telling a story in art form…. That is a BIG Mountain of ministry in these days, as we have talked about.

Friend: yes

Donna: That is the one you and Joe are called to, and Lynne Barletta and me to a degree. It astounds me to see what is happening in the arts today. It is like this whole area of ministry is opening in profound ways to display God’s story and to draw many to Christ.
Then there is the one to minister to those in need, counsel, healing, evangelism and mainly today in the marketplace… That is mainly where my mountain is. So many do not know what mountain they are on, and the key is to find our real passion. Cause God is NOT playing church as usual, absolutely NOT…and so many are not seeing it, they are trying to put new wine in old wineskins, and they are bursting all over just like the bible says, and making a mess.

Friend: I agree

Donna: Wasting the wine the Lord just told me.. the precious wine. He wants to put NEW WINE in fresh new wineskins that will HOLD what He is about to do in these coming hours. We need to let go of our old ways of doing things and old ideas to receive the new thing He is doing. I leave it all behind to encounter the REAL, TRUE and LIVING Christ.

Speaking by the Holy Spirit now... I can feel it ..So, He wants you to know that He has a vision and destiny for your life....the KEY is to FIND you destiny. Those who seek Him WILL find Him. The first KEY to finding our destiny it to realize that GOD IS our destiny. Our destiny is HIM and KNOWING HIM…That is our priority and our greatest destiny in life. If we KNOW Him, we will know our true destiny, and all the gifts and talents He has graced us with and planted within us will flourish.

What is it that causes your heart to overflow with great joy in life, where do you bear the most fruit that remains for God’s Kingdom.. what brings satisfaction into your life? Many times the thing you are called to do is very easy for you.. for His yolk is easy and His burdens light. It is usually the thing that might be hard for others, but easy for you… maybe it is cooking for those who are hungry, for you it is “duck soup”, but for others it is a total burden. Perhaps it is providing jobs and a living for people and encouraging them to see more for their lives, or it might be someone who can build what no one else can.. like my sone building a massive picnic table with even a connected chidlren's table so friends and family can gather.. Or ministering to children as a teacher or daycare leader.. providing an atmosphere of love and encouragement. Maybe it is to minister to those in prison, physically or mentally and helping them to see their true potential.

Find out what it is that causes your heart to overflow with great joy. Is your sphere of influence in the area of education? Perhaps your calling is to teach others the truth. Or as my sons..who’s calling is the Media – to fill the airwaves with “good news”.

Then the next step is to seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek HIM .. to find the plan, cause He WANTS YOU to prosper and to do well even in the land of wasteland…..the desert….barrenness…..dry place..
He WANTS you to flourish in HIM. So, the KEY is to search your soul until you find your passion.... your destiny and SEEK God for His plan. You will then learn the most important thing in life.. that success is not merely in monetary gain, but in a heart that is at peace knowing they are doing God's will for their lives.

Many of the things we do if we are not walking in our destiny are from either habit or boredom.. busy things…

these things will fall away as you are immersed in your passion.
Get your house in order
Prepare for success
For the world will be waxing worse and worse as the bible says,
BUT they that KNOW the Lord will do GREAT exploits
Do not allow the world and the voice of the enemy turn you from your TRUE passion
Stomp the devils head, Tell him no more trespassing, He will not stop you anymore from you true calling.
Anoint yourself with oil and wash your face as the bible says .. no time for pity parties, that accomplishes nothing

and get up and Press into your rightful place.
Leave the world and all it's temptation behind
It is NOT for you... it is NOT your portion
YOUR portion is the Promised Land!!
Your goal is to find, seek and climb your mountain..
claim it and proclaim your destiny in Christ.
This word made me think of Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music. Her name was Maria and she thought her destiny was to be a nun, secluded in an Abby, but God had other plans for her.. Sometimes the calling God has for us may look anything but religious!! LOL!

Maria’s mountain was to minister to a sad and broken father with motherless children. She had a song to sing, when she realized her destiny.. she could then climb her mountain to freedom in her life... what a profound story for us.  To find our mountain of the Lord's making and climb it!
So, my prayer for you today is that you will seek God .. that He will impact your very being with that which He has called and ordained you to do since before the beginning of time, and that we will climb our mountains together with Christ.. our Good Shepherd leading the way!!

I need to go now.. but think on these things and I want your input and opinion... Luv you bunches

Friend: Mama!! WOW!!

From my heart to yours,

Donna Trexler-Geertz
Conversation 3/12/11
Word written for blog 3/21/11

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