February 2, 2011 Rev. Donna Trexler-Geertz
This word came to me while listening to some incredible soaking music from Cathy Mart, the song “Deep Within” from the album Releasing the Dove
When I first saw the Art Print above ... I thought .. "Oh how I would love to meet the Lord in that little gazebo and lay in His arms and share my heart with Him"
I was going about my day, and out of nowhere came the impression that I was to play this cd online and put on my earphones and that God wanted to talk with me. It was as if I could almost hear Him say to me that “I had been on His mind”!!
As I began to relax while listening to the music, and asking God what He wanted to say.. I saw myself walking, and in front of me was a veil.. it was huge and covered as far as I could see horizontally and vertically. It was a gauzy type material like linen, and straight without gathering, and opaque, so I could see tall trees vaguely behind the veil and what looked like vegetation.
As I approached the veil, I pushed it back and entered in. Behind the veil it was gorgeous. Kind of like what I would have imagined the Garden of Eden to have looked like. I kind of laughed to myself thinking “I kind of feel like Alice in Wonderland”!! I was in the midst of tall majestic trees with flowered vines entwined.. It was like the most beautiful forest and jungle all at the same time. I could see some of my favorite flowers like Lily of the Valley and violets, orchids etc.. in spectacular colors. .. and there was a path .. simple in form with what looked like all natural rock pavers... and I started on the path walking forward.. I knew God was taking my hand, although I did not see his hand… I thought in my mind.. “and the Holy Spirit shall lead them”… In a short bit of time I saw in front of me to my left Father God sitting on what looked like something very luxurious and comfortable. Almost in a reclining position.
My heart leapt when I saw Him and all I wanted to do was to run and bury myself deep in His arms. He was smiling and opened His arms and welcomed me warmly.. like He had been waiting! Almost like in a gesture of “Come to Daddy”!!
I hurried into his arms and cuddled as close as I possibly could and I could feel His arms which felt like huge soft feathered wings embrace me. I started to cry really hard. It was like I had come home. I kept saying through my tears “ I am SO sorry, forgive me” .. and would cry more. I was realizing how much I had missed His presence and being close with my Father God, the real kind of closeness that I had always had, and somehow had lost recently. I had allowed the worries and concerns to creep in and take the place of the one on one relationship I had with God. Did I talk with God every day, and was He my constant companion? Yes, but it was also mixed with concern for earthly things. Was I being used by God, was I counseling, ministering .. going about the Father’s business, seeing fruit in people’s lives.. yes and yes…. But, in this place behind the veil, Nothing else mattered.. NOTHING. Behind the veil is always my very favorite place to be. It was like all the ones I loved and cared for and all the concerns I had for them just melted in His presence, everything and anything that had taken my attention from time alone with God was being poured out to Father God. Every hurt, disappointment, frustration, questioning, doubt, in my life was being poured out to Him. I could feel a gentle rocking and whispered expressions of assurance from Him.
I began to think about a woman I had talked with in counsel the day before …. One who is so filled with love and life and zeal.. she is exuberant and an adorable little chatterbox!! Her Dad had told her when she was young more than one time to stop being so bouncy and excitable.. he told her many times to “calm down”.. I could feel my heart being stabbed with her pain as through the years this had stifled her and caused her to hold back and feel that she was an annoyance in life. I started to cry again and ask God to heal her, to let her know that He never tired of her ever, that he loved her bubbly attitude, he never tired of her voice ... that He delighted in her.
My heart began to think about others who were hurt and not understood.. the man we had met so supernaturally the night before on the way in to Michael’s. It surely was a God incident and this man was so lost and hurting. Joe and I both tried to minister to him and one of the comments he made was that “God didn’t have time for him”. I began to cry again, realizing how God had just told me “I had been on His mind”… I asked God to please let this man KNOW that there is time and room on the Father’s lap for everyone and that He never gets annoyed with us, and there is always forgiveness.. and there is Always time for us in Father God's heart and lap.
I began to think about a woman who I talked with who is a very strong warrior in Christ. Situations recently had brought her to the edge and she considered suicide..I know for her to have such thoughts could only have come from an attack of the enemy, so I knew her pain from the overload she was going through was deep.. She had told me in the midst of this she went to a conference and God ministered to her and it turned her around!! I held Daddy God even closer and thanked Him for doing that for her.
As my crying began to lessen, Daddy God’s strong and reassuring arms pulled back a bit and I began to look out along with God at my surroundings.. a darling bunny eating something on the ground nearby, beautifully colored, singing birds flying above, some perched on trees, the sound of a bubbling brook somewhere in the distance, and the fragrance of earth, greenery and flowers permeating the atmosphere. .. I was thinking to myself.. “My Daddy God smells like the tall and mighty Cedars of Lebanon… He is faithful to take care of me, I am safe”!! My Abba Father not only ministers to me and lets me know of His love .. but that He has me and ALL HIS children on His mind always and that He loves to have fun with us and to frolic!! In this place with God, nothing else mattered. He began to hand feed me something that looked like grapes and it was sweet and delicious like nothing I can describe. I could feel strength begin to return to my body.
As I relaxed in Father God’s presence and love, He began to speak to me…. And I would like to share with you what He said..
DEEPER 2/2/11
Never ending, never ending, for My love is never ending for you
A love that other things never will fill
Only ME You have known this from the beginning ..
Why do you forget to run to me when life overwhelms you with busyness, when all I want is for you to come behind the veil ?
Let me take your hand and lead you to Me .. stretch to go behind the veil .
I want to talk with you personally , For I am your source
For there are many things I want to say to you
And other things I want to tell you too
Just soak with me for a while… In MY presence .. in MY presence my daughter
And don’t allow things to keep you away
For my heart is soft towards you, Never meaning harm or accusation.. you know that
I lead the way to paths of Abundant Life for you, for I have loved you since before the beginning of time..
I created you with loving hands.. and My thoughts towards you are GOOD
I made you for ME.. to love You have known that from the beginning
And every detail .. was put into place just by Me
I feed you with my choicest foods to give you strength for the journey
I created your personality and hand wove your gifts and talents into your very being
All to give Me pleasure.. created in MY image are you
and you were given a heart to choose, choices to let the cares of this world or Me overtake you
choices to come and linger alone with me or to do other things, even “good” things
I do not force you to come to Me for time alone with Me , but you have been on My mind.
I have been thinking about you. I have been missing the special private times we have had together
I miss it when we have not had our constant special time alone, I yearn for your undivided attention
The times where you bask in my presence and the world becomes strangely dim to you
You have ALWAYS been my love! Did you KNOW that?
Just stay with me a while and let me wash away the rubble of the world and it’s ways
And when you come to me .. I will remove the troubled spots..
Those things that seem so hard to overcome, and circumstances in others lives too
Those things that have placed Restrictions upon you… will be removed.
I desire to do permanent adjustments in false thinking that you have believed
There are many things you insist on trying to carry that were not intended for you at all
they are too heavy for you to bear my dove..
I do not keep my children in a gilded cage captive … but yea, the door is open for you to fly
Tell them that I desire for them to walk in freedom even in the midst of total chaos in the world and in their lives .. even when all their dreams seem to be shattered.
I have placed my song of truth within you to share My love with others.
A song to rapture the hearts of My creations and cause them to consider eternal things and to release worldly things
MY SONG.. a song for the days ahead for the days ahead will need the song of the Bridegroom ..
You have held back from sharing my word of warning for the coming days, It is not an easy song .. but I can trust you to speak it for I am confident it will gush forth in love and not condemnation.
Will you sing a new song for Me my dove?? Will you carry MY song of love to others.. will you carry My heart with you ..
will you leave your worry for those who will not receive my song, pray for them and love them and come deeper with Me?
My song in your mouth will bring freedom... it is a song of preparation.
Will you tell them My story.. will you fly and light where I instruct.. will you go for Me??
Will you tell them of My never ending love for them? Will you do what you were made to do.. fly and sing My dove ??
And I give unto you eyes to see and ears to hear .. where to go and who to sing to..
Release the songs I have given you .. give away that which I have given to you and I will refill aplenty
I AM your Abba.. your Daddy and nothing will I withhold from you my child. Nothing is too hard for ME,
I only allow that which is good for you into your life, although many times you doubt Me in this area. I can turn things in an instant.. the crooked roads many filled with heartache and disappoint will lead you to Your Promised Land if you will but lean on Me and learn the lessons along the way. Don't look to the left or to the right to blame ..
I use others as an abrasion to speak words of truth when you least expect it. Let the the friction have it's perfect work and do not shirk from it ..
My plans for you are GOOD That which will draw you closer to me, that which will cause maturity, that which will remove pride and will cause your heart to be humble and that which will make you stronger for the journey for the days ahead.
Tell my people.. answers are not in relationships, or things.. they are not in success or happy families.. the answer lies in ME.
Even my children are seeking after answers in many other things, but not Me.
I AM the LIFE. … IN ME, you live and breathe and have your being, not in other things… seek ME, and all things shall be added unto you.
Resting here with ME in My presence you know that. It all becomes clear again.
The things others strive for can all be found when they lay their burdens of life down, and truly give them to ME.
So many tears, worries, plans, manipulations, sleepless nights, and fears can be avoided if my children will just come and release these things to ME and leave them WITH ME to handle .. not trying to handle them on their own, or trying to make it happen in their own strength. Or in flexing their own self righteous muscles instead of kneeling in a contrite way.. or try to prove themselves.
These things are those that separate Me from them. Their focus becomes cloudy and they forget the true reason they are here ..
to love Me and to share My good news with others..
My desire is for all their desperation to become desperation for ME.
They get caught up in concerns, good works, false doctrine, mixture that dilutes the gospel of truth, what they need, what they want, how life would be better if......
It is like a fine/rare piece of expensive furniture that has been broken down and looks like it is destroyed with no hope of salvage.
Put it in the Master’s hand and allow HIM to take over and Restore .. stop trying to help the cabinetmaker!!
Leave it in MY shop, unless I tell you otherwise… for I love that piece of furniture MORE than you ever could.. I created the wood, surely you can trust Me, and in the meantime speak tenderly to those that are in need of repair.
My love is never ending never ending …
I AM the one who restores that which the canker worm has eaten
You will see that I have ONLY YOU in mind in the place of surrender to Me.
I know of your yearnings too deep to groan… I have seen the tears of my children.
Here in my embrace .... Release your sorrows here in this place of trust and surrender
Were I will hold you close and fill you with my love until all mourning and deep sorrow is gone .. where all fretting and discontent will melt ..
For deep calleth unto deep.. the depth of my love and caring.. calling you out of your depth of despair and despondency and feelings of aloneness.
I understand your cries.
I preserve you soul, and never hold Myself back from you, with Me you are NEVER ALONE .. come behind the veil with Me.
I release the dove in your life …
Your loving,
Abba Daddy God
Word given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit 2/2/11 to Rev Donna Trexler Geertz